So, this month we decided to start a PR board and complete a short report at the end of the month so everyone could see each others' accomplishments. I'm really glad we did. In all, there were 78 PR's for the month of July. 78!! Incredible work from everyone; you make us very proud to be your coaches! Here's the list of 1 rep max unless notated:
Deadlift - Dan LaFrancois 415, Mike Merritt 355, Angie Birdsall 265, Tamara Bader 195, Tracy Berning 175, Chad Heidenreich 325, Ron Shutts 405, Cindy Meyerhofer 300, Kim Merritt 170, Carrie Pinch 255, Mike Grundhoefer 365, Tom Keleher 415, Tami Soat 175, Sammy Blaum 255, Carrie Geary 165, Jodi Korte 205, Jesse James 305, Jamie Lattner 140, Scott Wernet 403, Matt Gullone 325, Chad Berning 255, Kristi Gempler 165 (x3), Emily Skiston 110
Back Squat - Tami Soat 135, Sammy Blaum 155, Matt Gullone 275, Chad Berning 185, Mike Merritt 265, Scott Wernet 295, Jeff Miller 155, Matt Blaum 315, Tracy Berning 155, Earl Thompson 345, Chad Heidenreich 255, Evan Berning 300, Ron Shutts 305, Angie Brown 205
Front Squat - Tamara Bader 120 (x2), Angie Birdsall 175,
Bench Press - Bob Freiburger 300, Carrie Geary 127 1/2, Ron Shutts 225, Mike Grundhoefer 235, Chad Berning 195, Matt Gullone 220, Jeff Miller 155, Ali Ouahbi 155, Tami Soat 95, Jesse James 200, Jessica Ware 110, Nick Hasken 165, Kristi Gempler 85 (x2), Kim Merritt 85, Carrie Pinch 115, Nate McCoy 285
Strict Press - Angie Bridsall 90 (3RM), Angie Birdsall 100, Tamara Bader 75 (3 RM), Jeff Miller 95, Carrie Pinch 85, Bob Freiburger 205
Push Press - Jeff Miller 115, Carrie Pinch 125, Angie Birdsall 125, Ali Ouahbi 125, Bob Freiburger 245
Unbroken Strict Pullup - Earl Thompson 15
Max Weight Pullup (lbs) - Jesse James 23, Ali Ouahbi 40, Chad Heidenreich 50, Mike Merritt 10, Scott Wernet 70, Chad Berning 10, Matt Gullone 35, Matt Blaum 40, Nick Hasken 34, Tracy Berning (red band)
And Tom Keleher got unassisted pull-ups on 7-11-16!!
Thank you for all of your hard work! Be proud of yourselves and what you have accomplished. When you stop and think about it, it really is quite remarkable. #betterthanyesterday
Coach Craig
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